Reflecting on my reflection!

Well today was the submission date for our first draft of the module 1 essay and I have to say what a relief it feels.  I don't doubt there will still be lots of work to do when the feedback comes back but for now I am just enjoying the fact I've written my first essay! The first hurdle on this journey.

I've found the process of reflecting on my practice quite fascinating and have actually found many things out about myself on the way. Looking at my learning style and different theories has opened my eyes to different thought processes. Does anyone else feel the same?

Now to breath a sigh of relief and work some more on the artefact! 


  1. I'm in the same boat as you Jen, feeling so relieved to have the very first draft sent in. It feels good to have the first and possibly scariest part behind us, the starting! I hope you got a good chance to relax!


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