Connecting the dots


For me, this module has very much been about connecting the dots - from using areas of learning in module one to - map my focus in module two to - linking that focus to the literature to - linking some literature to my methods for my inquiry to - using this to help form my proposal to - linking this to complete my MORE form.  You get the gist! They all link to one another! 

Theories that emerged through my research in module two had already appeared in my research in module one and I've found it genuinely fascinating how they all seem to interlink! Reflecting on this module as a whole has made me realise just how much I've discovered and learnt over the last 10 weeks.  I've taken my learning in M1 to a greater depth and by studying the literature and creating a literature review my knowledge in my chosen area (benefits of dance) has increased and channeled through into my practice.  I'm now excited to see where the inquiry takes me in module 3 (providing I pass module 2 of course) and if this will bring new understandings and enhancement to my practice! 


  1. Hey Jen I completely agree theories and terms I had never heard of but was introduced to in the module 1 handbook have been major parts of my inquiry! I had never heard about Web 2.0 before and my project is hugely focussed on that and also the use of professional network as all my participants I will invite from my network! It is fascinating how they all interlink! I must admit though all the data collection methods, methodology and analysis have all been completely new information for me and I have learn a great deal from doing module 2!

  2. Hi Jen,
    lovely post....and i totally agree. Ive noticed a definate change in my practice and the way i teach after my research into my inquiry. Its going to be interesting what we find out in M3!!

  3. Hey Jen i definitely agree as well theories and terms i haven't heard of was introduced in module 1 and 2 the handbook has been very helpful whilst doing this module, also i am so glad you girls are stressing about this module as much as myself.

  4. Hi Jen, I really enjoyed reading your reflections from this whole process. I agree, noticing how all the work we have done in the past 2 modules connects has been fascinating and has really helped me understand my practice more. I find myself using reflection in my everyday life too. I can't wait to hear about your findings in module 3, such an interesting topic that could lead you to so many different ideas! Hope everything is going well, not long left to go now x


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