
With only two weeks until module two drafts are due I'm feeling the pressure to make sure I've included everything in my work that needs to be there.  My desk is swamped in papers of literature I've been reading and I have so many tabs open on my computer its ridiculous.  I never thought of myself as an unorganised person but when I look at my desk (see photo above) I'm starting to think if I'd approached my research in a bit more of an orderly manner I'd be able to actually see my desk right now! :-)

That said I've read and learnt so much over the last few weeks about my inquiry topic and how to approach qualitative research I'm starting to get excited about what's ahead after this module - actually carrying out my inquiry. 

If I could give any advise to those starting out in module two it would be to make notes as you read each piece of literature and keep track of your readings/ themes.  Looking back I feel like I approached the literature review in a way that was not quite as organised as it should have been and as a result read far too much irrelevant information and wasted tons of time reading things that although interested me did not benefit my inquiry topic.  If you love to read, don't get sucked into those articles that you're interested in but don't relate to your topic the way you thought they would - save them for later and have a clear focus! 


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