End of Module 2

Today I submitted all my work for Module 2 and to say what a relief it feels would be an understatement. This module has felt pretty full on but with the reward at the end of feeling like I've really achieved something.  Academically I feel like I've come a long way since module one with my understanding of academic language and how to put together a proposal and literature review. I've also gained knowledge in my professional practice and am excited to see what happens in module three next term!  Until then wishing all the modules on BAPP a relaxing break.  September seems such a long way off but I'm pretty sure it will be here before we know it!


  1. Congrats on submitting! I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted and now I'm keeping everything crossed for the results haha! September will be here before we know it and we'll be back at it with only one module to go! xxx

  2. Congratulations Jen, I think it's safe to say it's been challenging at times for us all! Hats of to you juggling the time zone, children, family life and a pandemic! You should be super proud of yourself!!! Haha bring on module 3 let's get this going!!!


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