My practice and Web 2.0

When I first started working as a dance teacher Web 2.0 wasn't  part of my practice or society.  On reflection it is quite unbelievable how the world (and my practice) has changed in such a short space of time and how Web 2.0 has allowed the individual almost infinite access to an array of information. Communication is instantaneous which makes life/our practice easier and benefits our time.  

Just as an example I remember as a student teacher having to cancel classes as there had been a leak in the studio. Every student had to be called individually (mostly on home landlines as not everyone had mobiles!).  This took a lot of time.  If that happened now I would most certainly use a communication app such as WhatsApp or Flexibuzz to relay this information knowing everyone would have pretty much instant access to it even if they weren't at home and I'd be able to see that the message had been read.

If I couldn't access these tools could I still continue in my practice? Absolutely. But would I be as effective a teacher? Probably not.  It is a valuable tool when it comes to professional development, taking registers, playing music, communicating to parents, pupils, other teachers etc. When reflecting on my own practice it raised the question - what influence do they have and am I using these tools as effectively as I could?

Constantly evolving in our practice is important especially when you look at how quickly the world is changing and with this in mind I have decided to engage in something unfamiliar to me. I will not be able to teach one of my classes at a school in a few weeks.  Usually a (non-dance) teacher would cover and do something completely different with the children.  Instead I am looking at a blended learning approach and using Web 2.0 (probably YouTube) will record myself teaching the class that the cover teacher will then project onto a screen and assist in making sure the children interact. Something that until a few weeks ago I wouldn't have considered/ thought of doing.

Web 2.0 is crucial to the BAPP course.  Reading other blogs gives us an insight into others thoughts on the same topic and raises questions in our own reflective process.   We all blog differently and "The fact that we are different doesn't mean that one of us is wrong.  It just means that there's a different kind of right" (Ted Talk by Faith Jegede When).

I found this table helpful when understanding WEB 2.0


  1. Hi Jen,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I'm not very good with technology and the terms used. I did quite a bit of research before I picked up the courage to write about web 2.0.

    I completely agree with your statement,

    'Web 2.0 is crucial to the BAPP course. Reading other blogs gives us an insight into others thoughts on the same topic and raises questions in our own reflective process. We all blog differently and "The fact that we are different doesn't mean that one of us is wrong. It just means that there's a different kind of right" (Ted Talk by Faith Jegede When).'

    Whenever I feel like I'm falling behind or I don't understand something I always read other BAPP members blogs. We all come from different backgrounds and have had our own unique experiences. I love reading other peoples blogs as it allows me to look at a topic another way or answer questions that I haven't thought about before.

    Bronte :)

  2. Hi Jen,
    Web 2.0 has been a big learning curve for me. Especially the use of blogs! I think it can be a great tool if its used correctly but of course nothing is perfect. I think it is useful to have in a society that is constantly changing to keep up with the speed of things. If you are interested I have written a blog about Web 2.0 here:

  3. Hi Jen,

    Isn't it amazing how quickly web 2.0 has changed?! I completely agree with you that it makes it much easier for educational establishments to contact everyone, especially in emergencies.

    I did a similar blog a few days ago about whether internet skills need to be taught in drama schools.

    I'd love to hear everyone's opinions.

  4. Love that table at the end you have found Jen! So visual and helps us understand the difference in the webs!

    You got me thinking I remember ber when I first started dancing and all my music that my teacher gave to us to practise for exams was on a tape. And we would all share a copy of a video to watch examples of the exam work! It's crazy now you can just search any song at a drop of a hat or YouTube any clip! Also that's awesome you can still be involved in your class without physically having the be there by recording yourself! I have tried to take lots of classes over Instagram live during the pandemic to feel connected and I honestly can't believe how far the Internet has become involved in our practise over the years!


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