Module 2 so far!

Almost 3 weeks into the course and I feel like I've spent the majority of my time researching - researching how to research, methods of research, researching others blogs (mostly those who have already done module 2), researching different inquiry ideas, researching how to do a literature review, researching what things mean, researching what this is and that is - you get the gist!!!!  

It can be a little overwhelming at the start of any module and I'm feeling like I'm still yet to get going but, when I look at my notes and how much I have learnt from reading the handbook, the Kortex, blogs, videos and others over the last few weeks I actually hope I'm setting myself up to be fully prepared for the rest of module 2! 

Some helpful resources I've come across so far (which may help any future module two students):

  • The Kortex book (obviously!)
  • Finding the Audible book: Qualitative Research: A guide to Design and Implementation by Sharan B. Merriam and Elizabeth J. Tisdell, 4th edition.  (this has been amazing when I've been able to get out of a noisy homeschooling house everyday and go on long walks (sitting down to read a book in the quiet isn't always possible). 
  • The Glossary in section three of the handbook
  • Google Scholar
  • You tube videos on doing a literature review (which I think were originally posted by a module 3 student - Emma Dalton (thank you Emma!)

Hope everyone is going well with their Modules so far!


  1. What a great summary of Module 2 so far! I feel like my head could explode at the moment with the amount of research I have been doing. I know I need to take a moment to try and process it all but I also find it difficult to 'take a break' from it, I feel if I am not dedicating every spare moment I have to Module 2 I might fall behind! Thank you for sharing your resources, I too came across a great video for doing a literature review and I am going to try and post about it later on xx

    1. wow.... this comment has literally taken the words out of my mouth. I feel like ive read so much at the moment but still don't know much!!!
      And when ever i have a min i feel guilty that im not reading something or making notes! I feel like im reading but not getting any where as im not sure what my next step is! argh... im hoping it will start to sit better soon x

  2. Hi Jen, thank you for this post. I saw this video on Emma's blog and it was really helpful.
    I tried to find that audio book you said about but i dont have a service for audio books...i did however find a podcast that is dedicated to qualitative research so ill put that on next time im cleaning or walking. x

  3. Hi Jen, I loved your reflection on Module Two so far. I know how you feel, all this researching and I feel like I haven't actually done any work, but I know that all this knowledge will all come in handy soon. Thank you for sharing these resources, especially the idea of the audible book. I will definitely be doing this when I need to walk the dog after work haha! x

  4. Hi Jen! This is a great summary of this first few weeks and a very relatable post! Thanks for sharing these resources- I looked at the video a couple of weeks ago and found it super helpful and will definitely check out that audiobook! I feel like I spend half of my life driving to and from the studio and physical therapy and which feels like "wasted time" so hopefully I'll be able to listen to it subconsciously as I drive and take in at least some of the information! x

  5. great summary, felt the exact same! thanks for sharing !


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