Induction skype

The induction skype on Friday was very inciteful -  listening to those starting on modules 2 & 3 and hearing their tips for those of us at the beginning of this journey on module 1.  Something that was repeated a few times was the importance of blogging.  Post on your own blog regularly, read fellow BAPP blogs and comment on others posts. 

The importance of the handbook was another take away that stood out.  I fully intend on structuring reading time with the handbook and repeat reading over the coming weeks to give me the best possible understanding of what's ahead. 

I'm now really looking forward to the process of delving into my practice. To question and to reflect and to better understand and develop as a practitioner of dance. 


  1. This is a great post, and ive printed out my hand book for some ' light' bed time reading! Hope you are excited to get started! I am and like you said, think its going to be hard work but very beneficial !
    Nothing worth having comes easy right! xx

  2. Excited to get started too! The blogging thing is definitely new to me, but hopefully it'll all start to make sense soon x

  3. Great post! I'm like Clare, I'm planning to print out the handbook and scribble in the margins or pop down any ideas that come to me.

  4. I'm new to the course too and find the whole idea of the blogs supportive and reassuring so that I do not feel alone. I look forward reading your blogs and hope you enjoy reading mine x

  5. Like Maria said it's nice to know although we are doing this course via distance learning, we are not doing it alone. The blogs are definitely going to be a great way to keep in contact although like Rhian I'm very new to the blogging concept so I am open to any feedback or ideas people have on my posts!

  6. This post sums everything up so well! The handbook will definitely be our guide to keep coming back to and the blogging community already seems like a very supportive place for everyone to grow and help each other and navigate the course! x


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