
Showing posts from February, 2021

Module 2 so far!

Almost 3 weeks into the course and I feel like I've spent the majority of my time researching - researching how to research, methods of research, researching others blogs (mostly those who have already done module 2), researching different inquiry ideas, researching how to do a literature review, researching what things mean, researching what this is and that is - you get the gist!!!!   It can be a little overwhelming at the start of any module and I'm feeling like I'm still yet to get going but, when I look at my notes and how much I have learnt from reading the handbook, the Kortex, blogs, videos and others over the last few weeks I actually hope I'm setting myself up to be fully prepared for the rest of module 2!  Some helpful resources I've come across so far (which may help any future module two students): The Kortex book (obviously!) Finding the Audible book: Qualitative Research: A guide to Design and Implementation by Sharan B. Merriam and Elizabeth J. Tisde...

Welcome back zoom

I felt surprisingly more relaxed in the welcome back zoom on Friday compared to the one I attended in Module One. Perhaps its because as I embark on Module two although the worry of the unknown still lies ahead I know I felt this way in Module One and still managed to get through.  Or perhaps it's because I now have a network within the BAPP community who I know are feeling or have felt the same way as I do. For those just starting Module One as well as reading the handbook over and over I would highly recommend: Reading as many blogs as you can - those in the same module and different modules to you. Join the BA PP Community Facebook page. If you're able to get a Whatsapp group going for Module One I would highly recommend it.  Its so reassuring to know others are going through the same emotions as you! Saying it again as it's SO important - read the handbook over and over.  At each reading your understanding of the module and what's expected will become clearer! So no...