
Showing posts from March, 2021

Qualitative research

When looking at qualitative research methods I came across some qualitative action cards that really helped me sum up various terminology when creating my proposal. Just brief and to the point it gave me that little bit more understanding. I thought I'd post a blog on it in the hope it may help others as they approach their research proposal. Happy reading! Actions:  Within the participatory approach to qualitative research, action refers to an intervention based on the qualitative research findings that is co-designed by all stakeholders with the objective to achieve social change.   Conceptualization:  understanding how individual components of data are linked together in a broader conceptual framework to help understand or explain a phenomenon as a whole   Constant Comparative Method:  Part of the grounded theory method that involves a process of constantly comparing and contrasting data at every stage of analysis to identify patterns and explanations.  ...

Benefits of dance

For my inquiry I have decided to do something along the lines of identifying the benefits of dance in young children from the perspectives of primary teachers, dance teachers and parents of children who dance and see where all these perspectives align. Within my literature review on identifying the benefits of dance I have chosen to look at the themes of child development, dance and education, and approaches to pedagogy as I feel they will give me good insight and take my inquiry where I'd like it to go.   Excuse the quick notes as I'm just getting my thoughts out there on this blog but as a dance teacher I think doing this inquiry will help develop my practice in various ways: From a marketing perspective  it will allow me to see what parents see as the benefits/ most important things of sending their child to dance and so I will then be able to target specific audiences and make them aware of these benefits and get more pupils in my classes. For example as a dance teacher I ...

Finding a focus

There are so many topics that interest me within my field of practice I have found it hard to find a focus! Mapping all these interests have helped me to narrow down what I'd like to find more about.  Using my reflective essay in module 1 and listing all the AOL's and then the sub-topics within them has helped with this.  My interests have such a broad range from eating disorders in adolesence, dance and culture - how the environment we're in affects our experience of dance to the benefits of dance and what they bring to an individual.   After a Module 2 Skype call with Helen she said that this module is for the planning of our inquiry and module 3 for the actual doing of the inquiry over a 12 week period.  This is a long time and so it should be something that interests us and keeps our focus. With that in mind I have decided I would like to focus on something to do with the benefits of dance.  There are so many and I'm keen to find out more especially when it ...