Finding a focus

There are so many topics that interest me within my field of practice I have found it hard to find a focus! Mapping all these interests have helped me to narrow down what I'd like to find more about.  Using my reflective essay in module 1 and listing all the AOL's and then the sub-topics within them has helped with this.  My interests have such a broad range from eating disorders in adolesence, dance and culture - how the environment we're in affects our experience of dance to the benefits of dance and what they bring to an individual.  

After a Module 2 Skype call with Helen she said that this module is for the planning of our inquiry and module 3 for the actual doing of the inquiry over a 12 week period.  This is a long time and so it should be something that interests us and keeps our focus.

With that in mind I have decided I would like to focus on something to do with the benefits of dance.  There are so many and I'm keen to find out more especially when it comes to younger children.  This interests me because 1) I mostly teach young children (primary school age) and 2) I'm certain child development will be looked at within this field which is something that really holds my attention in terms of my practice but also because I have children of my own!

So now to begin with the research and planning of my inquiry!


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