Benefits of dance

For my inquiry I have decided to do something along the lines of identifying the benefits of dance in young children from the perspectives of primary teachers, dance teachers and parents of children who dance and see where all these perspectives align.

Within my literature review on identifying the benefits of dance I have chosen to look at the themes of child development, dance and education, and approaches to pedagogy as I feel they will give me good insight and take my inquiry where I'd like it to go.  

Excuse the quick notes as I'm just getting my thoughts out there on this blog but as a dance teacher I think doing this inquiry will help develop my practice in various ways:

  • From a marketing perspective  it will allow me to see what parents see as the benefits/ most important things of sending their child to dance and so I will then be able to target specific audiences and make them aware of these benefits and get more pupils in my classes. For example as a dance teacher I may think more about the technical benefits not the simple benefits like the social side of making new friends.
  • It will reveal how dance can advance or help with child development and therefore help me understand what teaching approaches are best suited to aid in this development - if dance teachers take a different approach to a primary teacher/ P.E. teacher taking a dance class for example what different benefits are seen and why?
  • Seeing where all the views align will allow me to see what different members of society think of these benefits and how different experiences give different or similar views - where they cross over and why I think that is. As a dance teacher and parent and someone who would like to consider teaching in a primary school in the future this is of particular interest. 
Hoping this makes sense on the page like it does in my head but as I approach the mammoth tasks ahead of me in this module I hope everyone has been able to start to find their inquiry topic and get excited about where it will lead them.


  1. Great topic Jen! It's amazing that I honestly can't imagine my life or remember my childhood without dance in it! It has given me so many benefits and experiences over the years and transferable skills that I will take with me through life! Dance gives you creativity, coordination, discipline, fitness condition, ways to express, to have fun, to focus and learn a skill. The benefits are honestly endless and I think it gives children so much confidence and skills! Even social skills!
    I can't wait to read your upcoming blogs


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