Getting ready to start the final module!

Next week the new term starts and I commence my third and final module on this BAPP journey.  Reflecting on my journey so far I am proud of how far I have come but still very aware of how much there is ahead of me. After what feels like a huge break since the end of module 2 I am worried I have forgotten how to think 'academically' and in preparation this week I have been looking over my previous module work and reading the M3 handbook. 

Going into this term my children are still home schooling which brings extra challenges but as they have been doing so since I started this course I am hoping they are in the flow of independent working as much as possible and I will be able to focus on my own school work (not them sneaking onto YouTube during zoom lessons!).  We all have our own challenges and to those starting back on this new term whether M1, M2 or M3 wishing you the best of luck and a wonderful term ahead.



  1. Great honest post Jen and actually I had thought about reading my last module essay....(although that does fill me with dread) but it's probably a good place to start.
    I'm the same as in the fact I'm worried that I am out of practice to think and write academically- well I never was Einstein- but ya know!
    Anyways fingers crossed it'll be smooth sailing x

    1. Thank goodness we have our Whatsapp group to keep each other going. Keeping my fingers crossed too! x

  2. You are superwomen Jen!! Especially bossing home schooling and doing your own degree!! I too worry that I have forgotten the rules of academic writing as I haven't thought about it since our module 2 submission! However I truly believe that once we start this module we will get on a roll like we have done with the previous ones!

    1. Thanks Emily :-) I think you're right, once we start the module we'll be on a roll - well at least I really hope you're right!


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