So near yet so far!

I'm currently pulling my hair out.  I have the knowledge that in little over two weeks our work needs to be submitted and we will have reached the end of this course (presentations in January aside).  I am currently procrastinating on my Research Report and tweaking and trying to make it the best I can but somehow feel like the tweaking will never stop - I'm always picking something out and then finding I have to re-write a whole new chunk of work.  My word count is slowly creeping up and frankly I think I need to learn to stop and accept that what I've done is hopefully good enough.  I still have a lot of work to do on the Artefact and the constant changing of my report is stopping me from getting done what I need to on that and I'm in a constant sense of panic that time is slowly creeping towards the 10th. Is anyone feeling the same? 


  1. Hi Jen, I'm very much the same. I need to learn to draw a line in the sand with my report and just work with what I have or I'll be re-thinking/re-writing forever! But we're getting there! x

  2. This is so relatable! Honestly my word count was already cutting it close and once I have tweaked and refined I feel I'm going to be stressing over getting it back down!! Good luck were almost there!! xx

  3. don't be stressed! i did the same thing except it wasn't tweaking my report, it was just avoiding it all together. I found that taking time away from it allowed me the space i needed to actually want to come back and do it.


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