Comfortable being uncomfortable.

As the author Manoj Arora said 'Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end... because in the end, it shows you a whole new world.' 

As I embark on the BAPP course and read many of the blogs written by peers in the group these words ring true.  I am reminded that I am not alone in feeling overwhelmed by the journey that lies ahead but am reassured by those further on in the course that it will be a journey of self discovery and development.

As a dance teacher it can be very easy to become comfortable in our methods of teaching.  The more we teach the more we learn and the more we learn the better (in theory) we become. But, if we allow ourselves to become comfortable in our practice how can we develop as teachers and inspire the people we teach?

As a latecomer to the course I have had an anxious week playing catch up.  Listening to the recorded Skype call that took place at the start of the course, reading the handbooks and finding my way around UniHub has helped me to familiarise myself to an extent. However,  I am aware that I'm going to have to get used to feeling 'comfortable being uncomfortable' (Mike Tyson) if I am to succeed!


  1. Hello Jen,

    I felt exactly the same way before posting my first blog...alone, anxious and a little bit confused as to what to post. It's all becoming much clearer to me now as I've been reading over the handbook and reading other peoples blogs. I'm also glad to know that there's another mother on the BAPP course! yay! I have finally completed my second blog post after being interupted mutiple times by my youngest son. It's a challenge but worth it!

    I'm looking forward to reading your future posts. :)


    1. Hi Bronte,
      Lovely to know theres another Mum on the course. My three are all in school so fortunately I do get a chance to work without them jumping on my lap most of the time but totally get what you mean about constantly being interrupted!
      Really enjoying reading your blog so far. Looks like we also have experience in Asia in common too!

  2. Hi Jen,
    Welcome to the course! I started a week late too, so completely understand how you're feeling.
    I am also a dance teacher, at the moment, and completely agree that the more we learn the better we become. I believe that this course is going to give us more tools and make us think and adapt the way in which we approach certain things within our jobs and practice.
    Check out my blog post too ( I did a similar post called 'The Start'
    I look forward to reading more of your posts and exploring more ideas on this journey.

    1. Thanks Paul. Lovely to read your blog and to know I'm not the only late starter! Slowly starting to feel just a little more comfortable now and reading everyones blogs and researching ideas certainly helps. Loving that already I'm starting to think about things in my practice I'd never really looked at before.
      Look forward to reading more of your posts!

  3. Hi Jen,
    Welcome! I definitely felt how your feeling right now. I'm finding that I'm having to 'flow' with the uncertainty and uncomfortable nature of things and by doing that I'm learning a long the way about myself and how I work and process information which is a really useful tool to have for this course.
    Also coming from a dance teachers perspective, I believe that it is important to continue research and be inspired so we can inspire our classes.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Hi Alys - thanks for your comment. Absolutely agree that its important to continue research and be inspired as a dance teacher. I'm actually loving that just over a week in Im already delving into things about my practice that I'd never really thought about. Finding all the blogs I'm reading very inspiring too. Look forward to reading more of your blog!


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