
Showing posts from September, 2021

M3 focus call

Today we had a module 3 focus call with Helen, where each student got to talk about their chosen inquiry topic, what they were doing and how far they'd got this term. It was really nice to hear from other students and how they've been getting on and despite my ramblings it was nice to share how I've been doing and know that I'm on the right track.  Helen enphasised the importance of keeping a reflective journal this term - to reflect on the process of interviews and data collection. How do we feel interviews/ focus groups went, how did the experience feel, what did we learn? In doing so now, will help us towards the end of the term. Helen also emphasised the importance of questioning our assumptions. With regards to the literature review this term we need to go deeper within our field using fewer scholars. Module 2's literature review was a lot broader.  A really informative call that has made me feel positive about the term ahead. 

Interviews and Focus group

In the last 7 days I've completed 5 interviews and one focus group, and what a learning curve its been.  I found in my first interview I was trying desperately hard not to ask leading questions to get more from my participant but by the last interview I hardly had to say anything and learnt just by nodding my head and saying 'thats great, can you tell me more about 'X'' I didn't really have to do much at all! Some of the information I got from my participants was as expected and in line with a lot of the literature I found.  However, a number of stories I heard gave me a whole host of new information from a perspective I hadn't even thought about. I was lucky enough to interview 5 teachers with a combined experience of over 80 years which meant a lot of information. Thankfully another module 3 student recommended a wonderful program - - that transcribed the conversations (with just a little bit of tweaking needed) which has been a huge time saver. ...

First tutorial back

 Yesterday I had my first tutorial of the term with Sam.  I keep saying it but going into M3 seems so less daunting than the other two modules.  I think because of all the planning we did in M2 we kind of know what's coming but I'm hoping that I don't suddenly find myself in a huge panic mid-term as I'm very aware of how much work there is ahead.  Feeling relaxed puts me slightly on edge and as a result I've been manically trying to make sure I've stayed on top of my schedule we made in M2 - sending invites to my potential interviewees and focus group participants.  As Sam said - we have to have some flexibility in our schedules as things won't always go according to plan and I have to remember that going into this module.  Some useful information I took away when talking about the literature review and report were to ensure you justify every bit of your research proposal. Make broad ideas more focussed. Acknowledge what went before and what comes after but...

Welcome back zoom

Last night was the first welcome back zoom of the term and it was lovely to see faces new and old.  Going in as a module 3 student felt very different to going in as as M1 and M2 and I felt much more confident and comfortable.   Take aways from the call were as follows: Calls NOT marked as 'discussions' should be recorded and put on Unihub for those unable to attend the live call. Read your Course handbook and Module handbook to get you familiar with what's ahead. Use the blogs.  To catch up on missed zooms and help you with your module.  By exploring blogs from people further ahead in the course to you will help.  There is also help out there so reach out. Teresa is the new Academic assistant and will be able to help you navigate your way around Unihub and other resources. Your supervisor is also there to help. 

Getting ready to start the final module!

Next week the new term starts and I commence my third and final module on this BAPP journey.  Reflecting on my journey so far I am proud of how far I have come but still very aware of how much there is ahead of me. After what feels like a huge break since the end of module 2 I am worried I have forgotten how to think 'academically' and in preparation this week I have been looking over my previous module work and reading the M3 handbook.  Going into this term my children are still home schooling which brings extra challenges but as they have been doing so since I started this course I am hoping they are in the flow of independent working as much as possible and I will be able to focus on my own school work (not them sneaking onto YouTube during zoom lessons!).  We all have our own challenges and to those starting back on this new term whether M1, M2 or M3 wishing you the best of luck and a wonderful term ahead.