M3 focus call

Today we had a module 3 focus call with Helen, where each student got to talk about their chosen inquiry topic, what they were doing and how far they'd got this term. It was really nice to hear from other students and how they've been getting on and despite my ramblings it was nice to share how I've been doing and know that I'm on the right track. 

Helen enphasised the importance of keeping a reflective journal this term - to reflect on the process of interviews and data collection. How do we feel interviews/ focus groups went, how did the experience feel, what did we learn? In doing so now, will help us towards the end of the term. Helen also emphasised the importance of questioning our assumptions. With regards to the literature review this term we need to go deeper within our field using fewer scholars. Module 2's literature review was a lot broader. 

A really informative call that has made me feel positive about the term ahead. 


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