Welcome back zoom

Last night was the first welcome back zoom of the term and it was lovely to see faces new and old.  Going in as a module 3 student felt very different to going in as as M1 and M2 and I felt much more confident and comfortable.  

Take aways from the call were as follows:

Calls NOT marked as 'discussions' should be recorded and put on Unihub for those unable to attend the live call.

Read your Course handbook and Module handbook to get you familiar with what's ahead.

Use the blogs.  To catch up on missed zooms and help you with your module.  By exploring blogs from people further ahead in the course to you will help. 

There is also help out there so reach out. Teresa is the new Academic assistant and will be able to help you navigate your way around Unihub and other resources. Your supervisor is also there to help. 


  1. Hi Jen, these are some great points! I agree, it feels very different starting this module than it has done before - we know exactly what to expect as we spent the whole of last module planning! I wish you all the best with this module and look forward to hearing about your discoveries :) x


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